About Your Treatment Session:
The treatment that you receive will depend on every individual person, as every soul is different and unique.
Our emotional traumas have a massive impact on our physical health and I am here to help guide you on the right path so you can heal yourself. Working with the energy of your physical body and understanding your emotional well being, will put you on the path to freedom. We are not just the physical we are much more. We need to take care of both, mind, body and soul and by doing this we are able to self heal. By tapping into these spiritual practices with reminders of information we intuitively already know from our multi dimensional being, we can start ascending and evolving into a more peaceful and calm life where we live from our hearts.
Your session will be an expansive journey of self discovery and will be inclusive to you, we will start with an in depth discussion on what you are needing assistance with and then I will be guided from that moment on how to go forward.
I have 2 different sessions for you to choose from;
Quantum Energy Experience ~ an integrative quantum experience clearing through past life, ancestral and this life trauma, blocks and distortions, which then allows space for activations in to your highest timeline.
Mind, Body, Soul Healing - an all rounded session to get to the root cause of your physical issue/s. With working from the basis of German New Medicine, we will dig deep into the subconscious and start identifying and clearing any unresolved conflicts/ trauma. These emotional blockages can have a detrimental effect on our health. This is a total change of paradigm away from the current medical narratives. An open mind and a commitment of wanting to take responsibility for your own health is a must.
Your treatment sessions may include the use of Bach remedies, crystals, trauma release techniques, shadow work, inner child healing, coaching, mindfulness, meditation, Quantum Energy Healing, light language healing, light code activation, removal of implants & attachments, breathe work, grounding, oracle card readings, plus a range of the techniques I have acquired along the way with my own personal and learning journey.
My sessions now come with an option to enjoy sound frequencies, including crystal singing bowl, tuning fork and chimes. Please let me know if you would not like these included within your session.
I will follow up with any information that we have discussed in both treatment sessions and any resources that I feel may be of help to you for self empowerment.
I offer a after care service included within your payment and treatment, for when you may be struggling or need some extra help.
I also offer a 1 hour Mini Quantum Energy Healing Session, this will be a brief consultation, followed by around 25 minutes healing and a debrief. This session would be recommend for people that do not have a specific issue, or do not at this time want to go too deep.
I work intuitively with the energy in and around the body and energy system, I will facilitate the healing through unblocking and clearing any dense energies with the use of light language and quantum energy healing. These treatments are for pure relaxation, de stress and activations. They are deep integrative energy practices that activate your highest timeline and dna and will allow you to feel like your more free flowing and connected to your higher consciousness.
Expect breathework in treatment, and light code activation.
Healings are performed either online via zoom or at my treatment space in Bexley, Kent. If you choose online, please make sure you are in a comfortable space with no distractions (all online healings can be recorded for you to refer back to). If you choose in person you will be laying fully clothed on a cosy treatment couch with blankets to keep you warm, I will be guided to place Crystals around your body and will work within your energy field.
My passion is to help people empower themselves on a journey of self mastery, assisting you to understanding how to heal yourself and tap into your own abilities and multi-dimensional being.
I've come to earth on this timeline to help assist the shift and get the message out to the world about the effect our thoughts have on us, and by staying present and working on your mindset you can literally turn your life around.
A small list of some of the things these your treatment can help:
Allergies and food sensitivities
Anxiety and depression
Back, neck and shoulder pain
Headaches and Migraines
Insomnia and sleep problems
Skin issues
Sleep Issues
Plus many many more. Please contact me to discuss further.
I offer a free connection call prior to booking an appointment, to see whether we are the right fit for each other on your healing journey.